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February 27, 2020

The world of business is constantly evolving. And with it, so is the nature of sales.

It’s hard to stay on top of current trends and best practices, so our bta Sales consultants have put together a few of their best sales facts, tips and tricks to help inspire and motivate you.

Below are a few of our favourites and you can grab the full guide here.

“Spending time planning your sales calls in the morning is going to save you valuable time. It takes only about 12 minutes to plan out your day, but this small investment of time will save you up to two hours in wasted time and effort through the day.” – Steve Anderson, bta Sales Director, Building & Construction, Architecture & Design

“Almost six in 10 buyers want to discuss pricing on the first call. But make sure you talk value before price. Once you understand their needs, vision, constraints and ideal solution you can show them what value you can bring. Then talk price.” – Bryan Kuchel, bta Sales Consultant, Business Services

“View the prospect’s success as your own. When you’re both in it together, with a shared desired outcome, you’re both more likely to win.” – Matt Summers, bta Sales Senior Consultant, Business Services

“If you can’t explain it to a 6-year old, you don’t know it yourself.” (Albert Einstein) – Sophie Tidemann, bta Sales Consultant

“Humour is usually always welcome in a prospect call. It’s also hard to say no with a smile on your face. Plus, a study found that a quick grin made people 10% more willing to trust.” – Gemma Foster, bta Sales Consultant, Industrial, Manufacturing & Engineering

“Perceived value creates a sale. Received value creates retention.” – Kris Halls, bta Sales Consultant, Information Technology

“Subject lines with three to four words get more responses than shorter and longer ones. This is also the perfect length to fit in a mobile phone screen.” – Matt Rowles, bta Sales Divisional Manager, Information Technology

“It takes a lot less effort to retain a customer than find a new one. Turning your customers into raving fans is a process. Don’t consider just what your customers experience is up to the sale, you must also consider the 5, 30, 90 and 200 days after the sale.” – Pamela Panagopoulos, bta Sales Senior Consultant, Healthcare & Medical

“An oldie but a goodie: always under-promise and over-deliver.” – Ali McCormack, bta Sales Talent & Marketing Executive

“Devote time to prospecting every day. You should be prospecting just as much on the first day of the month or quarter as the last. Gong’s data science team analysed 15 months of data and found on average salespeople made far more calls in the last month of the quarter than the first two. And the success rate of those “eleventh-hour” calls were usually lower than any other month.” – Steele Baillie, bta Sales Managing Director

“Invest in yourself: You will only become a better salesperson by learning. Find opportunities to further your education and find a mentor to guide you. Udemy and HubSpot are great places to find cheap or free short courses.” – Bobbi Williams, bta Sales Senior Consultant, Building & Construction, Architecture & Design

“60 second rule: Don’t solely talk for over 60 seconds without allowing the prospect back into the conversation.” – Gabrielle Cammilleri, bta Sales Senior Consultant, Healthcare & Medical

“Be generous and share your best ideas. Your ideal client will appreciate and respond to your generosity. Don’t worry about people getting too much for free, it will be worth it in the end.” – Bruno Parisi, bta Sales Consultant, Information Technology

“Avoid using individual terms such as “you,” “I,” “me,” and “your” and try collaborative words such as “we,” “us,” “our,” and “together.”” – Alex Kavic, bta Sales Consultant, Building & Construction, Architecture & Design

“Show up and follow up. Too many sales are lost when salespeople fail to show up to a meeting, show up late or fail to follow up with an email or call.” – Mark Taylor, bta Sales Divisional Manager, Industrial, Manufacturing & Engineering

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” (Henry Ford) – Mike Surawski, bta Sales Senior Consultant, Business Services

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